Nowadays Preeti wakes up with the sun, arm in arm they go for a brisk morning jog to a lake nearby. Courtesy Priya, who changed me completely. How? Well anyone would, if you talked about the total lack of stamina and fitness during any process or act (well, I was talking about absence of stamina and fitness at work, what are you thinking?) So I keep myself boosted up for the 3 km jog , slapping on sleep’s face rudely and torturing my eyelids open. More than being self boosted, one person really boosted me. A girl. Age 27-29 years. Size 38 (oops sorry, I am shamelessly brazen). Red T shirt size 34. With the text “milk shake” written in white bold letters. I am straight, but am a mixture of embarrassment ( as I too am biologically a girl) sympathy (perhaps she does not have money to buy clothes and is still wearing her tenth grade T-shirt) anger and empathy in equal proportions to the other male-jogging community. So she stops her jog and catches one of the guys looking just a little below her face :0 He stutters. She blasts. He says sorry and moves on. She looks at me and says
“cha, India has got independence but still this eve teasing continues”
I tell her back “ yeah true, India has got independence and Men cant have perfectly functional hormones”.
So, To all such attention seekers- Please understand men. They have curiosity over things which they don’t have, not now not ever. You either try your wee bit not to kindle their fire, else love the attention and accept the fact that you are being looked at and cleavages are God's gift. You got it, You flaunt it. And as freebies you get all the yang eyes poring into you.
Today is International Women's Day ( not the kinda post that women will like I know) and I wish all the women realize these two things:
Stop the “save women” rant. We are not weak to be saved. You in case are being crushed by the society, its YOU who is responsible for giving them access. Be bold. Be a man :)
Men are not aliens. They definitely (at least majority) love and respect us, for being the way we are. Yes, there are some morons in men, but so are there bitches in women.
So this day can be celebrated as HAPPY HUMANS’ DAY :) Let us accept the fact that we definitely complement each other. In all walks of life.
2 weeks ago
ok some anger...happy human's day wishes then :)..
Truth is always bitter..
Gosh, a cursory glance of your post would have been enough to make some ostensibly 'traditional' housewives squirm and writhe their faces in disapproval and shock! :)
There doesn't seem to be an iota of hypocrisy or double standards in what you feel and what you write(read type)...
That said,though,I felt the need to raise a coupla issues/queries...
1) How does ogling(Dont think I need to sound euphemistic here) at a woman amount to eve teasing? I aint sure how the legal systems or the IPC defines the act-Never had much respect for them anyway-but surely, she wasn't under that impression that she was actually being eve-teased, was she?! The guy seems to be equally strange, apologizing for that! Some weirdos..
2) Agreed ogling is fine and men cant be stopped from exercising and directing their 'perfectly functional hormones' (:D) in that direction, but the trouble is a lotta men dont seem to draw their line there...What starts with seeti maarna and winking is followed by lewd comments and physical contact...Aint saying women should feel insecure or fear such activities but nobody seems to be attacking the root cause of such social evils(alright, i'm soundin' patronizing here) and stand upto it except for a few one-off cases...Even the educated, self-respecting and the socially adept womanfolk seem to be rendered helpless at times...And such acts bother a majority of men as much as it troubles women(I aint speakin' for myself here-I know this for a fact)...Question is, what do we do about the loopholes in the legal system that these men(in this case) take advantage of?
And for the record,there're a LOT more morons in men than bitches in women!
Phew! Pardon my verbal diarrhoea...Seem to become afflicted with it when I come across such issues...
Well written post! N aptly titled ;) Don't think you could've or should've come up with a better title,anyway...
Keep the posts comin'...Chao!
A very thought provoking post. What you brought out is facts. Though I do not side with self styled culture senas but I do agree that one needs to be careful about dress as it should be as per occasion. One should accept admiring looks but if things go beyond that then appropriate steps be taken. I fully agree with you it is a misnomer that women are weaker sex. In my opinion they are much more stronger and capable of handling stress than men. They may be physically weak or at the receiving end biologically but they are in no way less.
No visit?
Take care
It will be totally artifical for man to go numb on watching such exemplary scenes...
Time has already come to look for men's day barring quite a few societies and areas..
Freedom is always there to be grabbed rather than to be given.
good post on the eve of woman's day i'd say!!or shud i say humans day!
nice one...i quite enjoyed while reading...
Nice bit of a post! :)Portraying women in good light, at last! :) :)
Great job!! :)
Because, there is still a long way to go in the empowerment of women.. Only a part of women are enjoying the freedom they deserve :) If we see rural, semi-urban and even part of urban centres, we can realize it..
Keep posting :)
a re conciliatory post...
cheers swthrt :) u stil ter in blor? i am relocatin to blor soon!!
Loved your title :)
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