I have a Nokia 1100 . I simply dont feel like parting with it because:
* its my first mobile
* it works perfectly fine
*i have just changed a battery for the past four yrs ( just recently I have grown a phobia to talking for long hrs over phone, earlier I used to fry with anyone and everyone :P)
* My butterfingers have dropped it in mess 'sambhar'( unlucky mobile had to bear with its stench along with us( though we did not have an option)) , 100 times all over the 225 acres of our sprawling campus and despite all this it has still been my loyal companion.
My dad is like it wont look good to carry such a simply mobile when I enter the corporate world( come on yaar, why should they bother about my mobile ) and has bought me a blackberry( it looks sleek fragile flimsy costly and not my type). Another arguement is I can have a camera cum music player cum bluetooth cum infrared cum ultraviolet cum what not in one instrument. And if I lose it, I should bear the guilt of losing all the camera cum music player cum etc..
But no, I am not parting with my mobile unless there is something seriously functionally wrong with it.I made that very clear.East or West my Nokia 1100 is the best , could not get more creative than that :)
1 month ago
oru otta mobileku ivalavu scene na ...
Sabba!!! Un mobile ku ivlo description thaevaya???? Lol..
hey dont listen to wat the rest say!!! stick to that old mobile like fevicol!!! :D cool blog... great way to kill time...
Good. But what about the people on the other end who have to bear with the excellently extravagant voice quality of your ota phone? :-)
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